
Effective date: April 2, 2019

Cubic Painting makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the information contained in the site. Information in this Website may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.

The use of the site and the information contained within it is entirely at your own risk. Changes are periodically made to the site and may be made at any time.

Images Featured

Cubic Painting does not claim to own any of the images displayed on the site. All images used are provided from a free stock photo site https://pixabay.com/ or purchased with valid licences.

All images used are not related to Cubic Painting unless specified, or have any relations to the services provided by Cubic Painting. All images shown on our pages and gallery are there for aesthetic purposes. We do not own them and the images are all available for commercial use which is permissible by the owners of said images.

WordPress Disclaimer

The WordPress theme used for this site is called NeVe, it is created by Themeisle. To learn more about Offshore Themes or browse, visit their website here.

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