10 Tips to Increase Your Home’s Value

Plan your renovation.

Whether you just bought a house or you have lived there for a while, the fastest way to increase your home’s value is by making a plan.

 You will far better if upgrades are made intentionally and not on impulse. Home improvement projects cost about 20 to 25 cents on the dollar. The other 75 to 80 cents spent go directly back into the home through increased value.

Start slowly. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. If your home is new, get to know it. If you have already been there a while, get started. List the things you want to change and the updates you would like to make. Don’t worry about organization, just write it all down. Take a guess on how long you may want to live in the house. If you’re planning on selling, talk to your real estate and make a selling plan.

Take the list and categorize by how much it may cost, including your time and money. Be realistic. It’s OK to list an outdoor pool with a waterfall, but keep your financial picture in mind.

Once you have a categorized list, take a look and prioritize what is a real “must have” and what is more of a dream. See if you can come away with a reasonable balance.

 Once you have made a plan, do research or talk to a real estate to see what sort of return those improvements may bring. Some improvements will add considerably more value to your home than others.

Tackle one room at a time.

How can you harness the energy that comes from new ideas and still be smart when you make those improvements? Make the commitment to tackle one room at a time. Whether it’s a simple coat of paint or knocking down a wall, by tackling one room at a time you keep projects achievable.

 Make a list of all the things you dream about doing, break your list down into categories based on cost and write down how much time each project may take. What this does is help you get results. If you only have a day or a weekend, choose a project that fits within your timeframe, comfort level and financial commitment.

If you set out to paint a living room wall on Saturday and you know what it will cost in time and money, it gets done. By the end of the day, you have a stylish upgrade that will add value to your home. By strategizing, you will see your dreams take shape as you transform each room before moving on to the next.

Small improvements can really pay off.

 Are you torn between improving your home’s decor, versus making upgrades you know will increase your home’s resale value? Many homeowners are surprised to hear that doing a little bit of both will actually pay off.

Start by making two lists — upgrades for your home value and upgrades just for you. Upgrades for your home may consist of replacing old faucets, permanent lighting and doors. Upgrades for you are furniture, artwork and window treatments. Gone is the dartboard approach to picking projects and wondering if what you are doing is really making a difference. With this plan, you will see real progress.

If you have spent a bundle on making an upgrade you can make small changes for the next couple of months. Upgrade a couple of electric plugs or buy a small lamp. Stick to one upgrade per month and you will be happy with what you see.

Clean your house now for profits later.

If your house is on the market, a bright and sparkly home can attract buyers like a magnet. A house can never be too clean. If you were a buyer, would you choose the house that is slightly dingy or the home down the street that is clean and welcoming?

By making a clean house a priority, you do several things at once. First, you stay on top of maintenance issues, spotting potential problems before they become expensive ones. Secondly, you don’t allow dirt and junk to build up over time. Things like mold can become a nuisance if allowed to spread unchecked. Finally, a clean house is healthier for you and your family.

Remember, de-cluttering is a form of cleaning. Just as dirt builds up, so does clutter. Don’t waste money moving your junk around. Get rid of it now. When it’s time to sell you will feel confident about what you are presenting to the buyer.

Appeal counts.

Want a fresh perspective on the value of your home? Walk across the street, turn around and ask yourself, “Does my house have a good appeal?” Does your home look attractive, welcoming and structurally sound at first glance?

 Make a list of ways to enhance the positive and eliminate the negative. If you have a nice curvy walkway, accentuate it with flowers or lanterns. If the first thing a visitor sees is your big wide garage so paint it to make it look nice and fresh, try to guide their eyes into a beautiful front yard, or paint your front door and entry to guide the eye there. These things add value.

Take a digital photo and look at your home in black and white. When the colour is removed, the truth comes out. That is where you see the cracks in the walls and the glaring flaws.

Keep things clean and tidy. Talk to your neighbours because this affects them too. Your house appeal doesn’t stop at your property line. Your home will be more valuable if you live in a place where everyone pays attention to appearance.

 Host a neighbourhood clean ups party. Team up with neighbours to mow lawns and trim hedges. See who wants to go in on a few flats of border flowers. By adding good appeal to your entire neighbourhood, you will all boost your home values.

When you’re looking at your curb appeal, don’t forget the side and rear views. Buyers walk around and peek over fences.

Upgrade the kitchen.

Ask any real estate expert what the No. 1 upgrade with the greatest return is, and the answer will be the kitchen.

Do a mini-remodel. Change the paint. It sounds simple, but it works. You can also paint the wood finish onto your cabinets. This looks just like cherry.

Add a splash of colour with a new backsplash. New tile is attractive.

Go stainless steel. The cold feel of steel is a hot ticket item for buyers. Transition your appliances as they wear out and go with a similar metallic look in your light switches.

Make your kitchen rock with a new bench top.

Your improved kitchen will catch every buyer’s eye.

Beautify your bathroom.

Of all the rooms in your house, the bathroom is the workhorse. There is lots of wear and tear, so you want to keep it functioning well and make good looking upgrades along the way.

Focus on your decorative. Bathrooms are not utilitarian anymore. People like to feel relaxed, like they are in a spa.

Go granite or marble with your countertops. If you are toying with the granite idea, your bathroom counter is most likely smaller than your kitchen counter and less expensive. This is a great place to start your first granite project.

Nix the overhead lighting in favour of wall mounts to add warmth and value to your bathroom. Make sure that around your mirror you have even lighting with no side shadows.

Keep it clean. Dirt and grime can become embedded in bathroom surfaces very quickly. Freshen it up with new grout.

Weigh the benefits of upgrading versus selling.

Should I stay or should I go? It’s a question staring many homeowners in the face. Here is how to tell if there is more value for you in fixing up, or moving on.

First, estimate your costs to buy a new home. Add up the real estate and home selling costs (packing, moving and the new loan financing). Don’t forget hidden items. The buyer may ask you to replace the carpet before you sell. Or, what if you have to replace appliances? Make your best effort to include everything it will cost in time and money to sell your home and buy a new place. Then, estimate what you may get for your house and how much cash you will leave with to put down on a new home.

If you like your neighbours and your school district, consider remodelling. You can get exactly the home you want and you won’t risk any buyer’s remorse. Estimate the cost of making the most crucial renovations needed for you to stay. Decide what you would like to do and go price shopping at your home improvement store. Call contractors and get estimates. This is especially important if you need to add on extra squares.

Look at what it would cost to move, then what it would cost to remodel. Add in the X-factors such as friends, schools and neighbours. When all is said and done, you may find you get more equity by staying in your home and remodelling.

Hire a certified home inspector.

You go to the doctor for physical exams and take your car in for check ups. Why not do the same for your house? A home inspection can be a valuable thing, whether you are selling or not.

If you are selling, get your own inspector before you put your home on the market. The last thing you want is to have a contract on the table, only to hear the inspector has found dry rot. If you know in advance, you can take care of it. If a home inspection turns out well, it is likely the buyers will feel good about their purchase and not ask for costly fixes or concessions.

Why bother having an inspection if you’re not worried about selling? Keep those records to show buyers you have maintained your house all along. Also, time is on your side. You can fix problems on your terms for far less than you will likely spend if you wait. Think of it like a physical that will only keep your home healthy and more valuable.

If you get a clean bill of health, it helps you make decisions. You can pick your home projects and spend your money with confidence.

Pay down the principal on your loan.

As you make all those home improvements, don’t forget the cash. Your financial strategy can boost your home value in a big way. Many different loan features can be added together to give someone a loan that is comfortable for them; give them an opportunity to do home improvements and to invest in their future.

Don’t overdo your deposit payment. If you spend all your money in a down payment, you may not have enough to do the improvements you want. The rule of thumb is if you are moving into a fixer upper, go for 10 percent down.

Don’t rush into your home loan, as there are dozens of types. The strategy that you develop for the type of loan you want depends on where you see yourself in five or 10 years. Managing your debt payment with an interest-only payment will give you an opportunity to save that money for retirement.

Refinancing is a chance to switch up your loan and try something new. Avoid using refinancing as a financial crutch. Are you doing it to lower your interest rate, or are you doing it because you want cash? If you are moving in a year, refinancing probably isn’t a good idea, as it costs between $1,900 and $2,600.

From bed room painting to a whole home repaint, creating a beautiful interior includes applying the  clean, just remember these simple improvements cost about 20 to 25 cents on the dollar. The other 75 to 80 cents spent go directly back into the home through increased value.